Today I'd like to announce that my poem, Sea Glass, has been published in Plainsongs (Volume 43).
A little about the poem:
Sea Glass was first written in March 2022 and edited later down the road. It is an ode to scars and the sometimes painful (but always beautiful) process of healing.
A little about Plainsongs (from the website):
"Plainsongs’ title suggests not only its location on the Great Plains but also its preference for the living language, whether in free or formal verse. Published twice a year from our home base in Hastings, Nebraska, Plainsongs presents poems that seem to be aware of modernist and postmodernist influences, not necessarily by imitation or allusion, but by using the tools provided by that rich heritage. Featuring poetry that runs the gamut from traditional to experimental, from realist to surrealist, Plainsongs strives to capture the multiplicity of voices--including those of feminist, nonwhite, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ writers--that make up this vibrant and diverse Midwestern soundscape. Poets from all fifty states and many foreign countries contribute regularly to Plainsongs."
Where can I get it?